Mansion Poker Dome, Here I Come!
I'm waiting for the official email from Mansion, but today I played in the PokerNews freeroll on Mansion Poker and dominated until the bitter end when I found out that the guy I was heads up against and already won a seat earlier and wasn't eligible. I went all in hand over hand so we could end it, and he wound up with the chips. But they had already told me I won, so I hope it's good.
It was shocking really. Me, beating 111 players. I was chipleader for a majority of the tourney. You should've seen how sweaty and shaking my hands were. Well, actually, I guess you will get to see it. On July 9th!
This tourney won me a seat into the TV tourney on FSN -- July 9 in Las Vegas. The prize package comes with complete pampering. You can read about Cory Ann's experience here.
But will it come with as good of cards as I saw today? I must've had AA at least three times. At least. KK won me a big pot when a third came on the flop. I had AK so many times I should've counted, even back to back sometimes. I wish I could remember some of the plays for you. I remember taking two people out at the same time on the final table, but I don't remember how. And I vaguely remember two hands that I actually lost pots with -- AJ and TT. But come on, I don't talk poker. That's for other poker bloggers.
Can you believe it?
I hope you'll be in town on the 10th. I'm sure to create a party somewhere while we watch it Sunday night. Only one question for FSN, how come there's no poker dome representation on the website? Justin....
Current: Pasadena, CA
Next: Las Vegas, NV
Good luck.
The official email is in. I'll be taping on July 9, but it won't air until JULY 23rd!!!
So, the party will have to wait. And I think that's good news because the WCP boys might be in town by then.
Congrats Jen...yeh we get in the 23rd I the timing is perfect.
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