Happy Birthday Wicked Chops Poker Blog!

Happy 1st blog birthday to my fave poker blog, WickedChopsPoker!
Snake, Addict, Chops - I hope you have a lot of hottie Sheilas sending you their love. Here's a virtual card party from me, and of course, I'm sloughing my chips off to Snake. Have a great day, and, by all means — Phil Gordon for Prez!
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HApy Birthday....
One of the things that characterizes the Texas Hold'EI regards the betting. As for the other types of poker is required an amount of money that each player must deposit before the hand in Texas Hold'em poker you have two bets "forced" called "Blinds". The hand begins with the two players to the left of the cards (or the dealer's dummy), which release a predetermined amount of money (in fact the Blinds) on the pot before any cards are dealt. In this way, you ensure that there is something to play for each hand. In Tournament Poker Texas Hold'Em Blids the increase according to a temporal model to ensure the progressive elimination of players. In most cases, the Small Blind (the player to the immediate left of the dealer) deposits provided half of the minimum bet, and the player to the left of the Big Blind, deposit the full amount of the minimum bet. This is called posting the blinds
METHOD 'OF GAME. Each player is dealt two cards face down (hole cards) whose value clearly remains secret (usually the cards are held in one hand, you will discover only slowly sliding the upper-left). The Hole Cards will form the point with the 5 common cards (community cards) discovered by the dealer during the different phases of the game. And this is a characteristic of the Texas Poker which differs from other types of poker in which they are dealt 5 cards. The aim of the game is to combine these two cards with the five laid in front of the dealer, forming what is called "the Board" (community cards) to form the highest combination (according to the traditional rules of poker) among all players. The score can be formed by the two hole cards and the three municipalities, and between one of the two cards and four municipalities or even just the five community cards. In all cases, those who possess the highest score will win the entire pot.
After the cards are dealt you pass the first round of betting. The first player to act is seated to the left of the Big Blind. Texas Poker tournaments he may decide to become a third "blind" placing a bet of twice the big blind before the cards are dealt. This is called the Straddle (the undecided). The advantage to "the straddle" is that in the first round of betting he can speak last (it will be important to study and understand the game according to the bets of the other poker players).
The first player to act (to the immediate left of the Poker Big Blind or the Straddler) has three choices: bet (call), raise (Raise) or fold (Fold).
The player de decides to bet (call), must place a bet equal to the big blind or the Straddle. To raise (Raise) instead the player will add an additional fee. The amount of the fee recovery varies depending on the game mode chosen: in limit games it is a fixed and may be limited (usually "hat") after a predetermined number of games (typically four consecutive) in games with pot limit, recovery may not be greater than the value of the flat at that time poker cash bonus. Finally in games without a "hat", the revival can be unlimited (up to the maximum number of coins that the player has). If the player decides to switch places his cards face down in front of him, pushing them toward the center of the table where they will be the Muck. E 'useful to remember that when a card touches the Muck is considered rejected and the player to whom it belonged can no longer play in that hand. Players who will in turn have the same three options more to raise (or re-raise). Clearly, a raise must be at least as high as the previous one.
Once the first betting round, the dealer discards the top card of the deck (burning). This is done in order to ensure that no player has seen the first card. The burn card will end up in the Muck or side of the flop. The dealer at this point square on the table the next three cards with the face turned upwards, discoveries (flop).
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