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Blackjack Night!

I almost didn't go to poker last night--almost. But I knew that would be a mistake as it is the best night of the week, and I was right. But you might now hear me referring to it as Blackjack Night. Last week they started $5 blackjack tournaments between dinner and poker, and man oh man was it fun. We had a big tournout yesterday, must've been 15-16 people.

With the Blackjack, you play 20 rounds with a dealer button moving around the table for who has to bet first. Everyone plays against the dealer, but you are playing against everyone else in terms of who has the most chips. At the end of the 20 rounds, the three people with the most chips win. So, some people are betting big, some are getting lots of chips early and then betting the minimum $50 on the rest of the hands to hold onto their stack.

And then there was me, who bet agressively, even going all in at one point with a medium sized stack, and took first place in the end, thanks to John. He did the math for me on the last hand so I could figure out how much to bet and how much to keep behind in order to out run the remaining 2-3 contenders. I always had second, but I needed to beat one guy with a similar stack in order to get first. First place got $35.

Man oh man, I can't wait for the Expert Insight: Beating Blackjack with Andy Bloch DVD!!! It's night quite out yet, but oh is it going to be great. Andy was part of the MIT group that was written about in the book, Bringing Down the House.

Poker was poker, so much less entertaining than the Blackjack with everyone whooping and a hollaring. The food is getting better and better, thanks to our host Mark. We had meat lasagne, eggplant parmesan, veggie salad, and grilled veggies. What a night. It is really the best night of the week. This week will be the exception though. Tonight...our good friends Bob and Jenn are coming to town and we're going to the Lebowski Fest. John has still never seen my favorite contemporary movie, so we'll squeeze in a showing over lunch. Tonight is the midnight screening and party, tomorrow night is the bowling. And all my Blackjack winnings say this could be the best night of the YEAR. I'm using my Blackjack money to buy Lebowski Fest posters!

Current: Burbank, CA
Next: here all month till the end of the month


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