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The Birthday Begins

I turn 35 tomorrow. That sounds hefty, but so many positive things have happened this past year, there's really no way of being upset by it. Two books, many magazine bylines, Vegas poker goodness, and of course, John and the move to a cute house in Pasadena. It really is all good.

We started the celebrations early. Susan came down with 11 presents, a whole bunch of clothes and necklaces. It was a real treat to have her here. And especially to put her up for a night and take her out to lunch and dinner, something I've rarely been able to do. But I practically had to get the chloroform out to do it. Still, it was short, but I had a nice time with her and I hope she did, too. Even if the cupcakes at Sprinkles weren't all that.

We took it easy this weekend and even went to a minor league baseball game yesterday. The Quakes, out in Rancho Cucamunga -- about 30 minutes from us. Too much fun.

Now, it's big catch up time on all the work. Still the Vegas book, a story for a women's poker anthology edited by Maryann Morrison of Woman Poker Player, PR for an author client (JoeQuirk), and getting my website and PR stuff going for the new book, What Color is Your Jockstrap -- just coming back from the printer. I'm busy, just the way I like it!

I think the few people getting me gifts already know what they're doing. But for those of you who still want to pick something up - I want any and all books on word-of-mouth marketing. I want to build a library:

Creating Customer Evangelists 0793155614
The Secrets of Word-of-Mouth Marketing 0814470726
Naked Conversations 047174719X
Blog Marketing 0072262516
Any book by Guy Kawasaki
Any book by Seth Goodin

Email to get our mailing address.

Current: Pasadena, CA
Next: ??


At 5/30/2006 09:05:00 AM, Blogger Mrs. B said...

I did enjoy myself immensely and love your house. Great neighborhood, good size, and its yours! See you in 6 weeks in Vegas! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

At 5/30/2006 10:17:00 AM, Blogger miguel said...


35 is the minimum legal age to run for president.

I say, 'Vote for Leo!'


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